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SGM-C2 Compact Meter

System-ready four-line compact meter Modern metering device

The system-ready SGM-C2 two-line meter is a standard device for measuring active power with residential and commercial customers as a modern metering device.

The meter has an integrated RS-485 interface for system connection. Designed as a compact unit, it fulfills the functional requirements of the FNN industry standard.

The SGM-C2 can be connected directly for both power directions (consumption and feed-in) and is also available as a dual-tariff meter with external control. With the BAB adapter connected externally to the RS-485 interface, the SCM-C2 can be upgraded to a smart metering system.

Product information

The SGM-C2 is a sturdy standard device with the following features: 

  • Case compliant with DIN standard for three-point mounting with terminal cover suitable for holding a BAB adapter 
  • Flexible measurement via shunts with intrinsic immunity to harmonics and external magnetic fields: +A or -A with reverse running lock, +A/-A bidirectional,
     [A] direction-independent, |A| direction-independent 
  • RS-485 bus interface for remote communication 
  • PIN-protected data display and output 
  • Front optical interface for local data provision 
  • Multi-functional display for meter data and historical data over 2 years 
  • Sturdy, low-emission power supply 
  • Output of readings and grid quality parameters 
  • Optional dual-tariff version with external control via accessory terminals 

Standard functions

In accordance with statutory provisions, the meter acts as a reliable and secure metering device for acquisition of billing-related active power quantities and grid-friendly measurement data and parameters, such as effective values of line voltage and current, power, phase angle and line frequency. 

Active power is measured in both directions, with the following measurement modes being available: 

  • Measurement in one direction with reverse running lock 
  • Measurement of absolute magnitude |A|: Direction-independent sum of magnitudes in all lines 
  • Measurement in two directions: +A and -A 

The current sensors used are sturdily mounted, precise shunts suitable for accuracy class B.  

Actual power values on all lines are logged internally and available over the data interfaces. The measurement mode can be set in the factory according to metering requirements. 

The meter provides the following grid functions: 

  • Active power PL calculated as an average over 1 second, resolution 0.1 W 
  • Effective value of line voltage UL calculated as an average value over 1 second, accuracy 1% of measurement, resolution 0.1 V 
  • Effective value of line current IL calculated as an average value over 1 second, resolution 0.1 A, accuracy 1% of measurement 
  • Phase angle ϕL, accuracy/resolution 1° relative to the fundamental frequency 
  • Line frequency fline, accuracy 1%, resolution 0.1 Hz 

The daily, weekly, monthly and annual values of active power over a period of two years are recorded in the ring buffer as historical data and displayed under PIN protection. The front optical interface is used for local provision of measurement data and device information in accordance with EN 62056-21/61 at 1-second intervals. This function is also PIN protected. PIN entry via the control button or optionally via the optical button. 

The RS-485 interface provides system communication with a baud rate of 9.6 kbit/s.  The protocols employed are SML/EN 62056-61 in the application layer. 

Optional functions

As an option, the dual-tariff function with external control is available via terminals 13 and 15. The tariff registers in both power directions together with the current tariff are shown on the display. Removing the terminal cover is detected as tampering and logged. 

Modern metering device

System-ready single phase compact meter

In the 5(60) A, MID Class A/B versions, the meter can be used as a stand-alone device (modern metering device) in all customer systems directly connected via two lines.
Typical application areas include residential facilities, household customers, small self-generation systems and site facilities.

Smart metering device

System-ready single phase compact meter

In combination with the secure gateway via the LMN-BAB adapter, the SGM-C2 can also be used as a smart metering system for customers with relatively low levels of consumption or generation. The meter is particularly suitable for use as a secondary meter for cost allocation in site facilities.

Your contact

Beppo Knorr

Head of Sales


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