info(at) +49 (0)89 90 410 20 - 0

Redispatch 2.0 / Feed-in Management

The fair way to give renewable energy feed-in stations access to the grid and avoid overloads. Intuitive operation, secure use. 

According to the guideline of the Bundesnetzagentur, feed-in management is a specific regulated grid security measure to mitigate grid congestion. Responsible grid operators must decide according to the legally defined ranking and are only allowed to use feed-in management to curtail renewable power or CHP electricity after curtailing conventional power plants.  

We have developed solutions ;for these tasks. They give grid operators convenient tools for compliance with legal requirements. 

Functionality with Grid Management Suite (GMS) 

Grid feed-in stations are managed and configured using the ISO 27001-certified Grid Management Suite (GMS), which includes applications for feed-in management. GMS is used as a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution. EFR operates and maintains the software, so operators do not need to perform local installation or make updates or patches. 

GMS additionally supports verification and documentation of all switching operations to ensure a discrimination-free selection process for switchable facilities. This creates the basis for determining any compensation payments for switching operations. 

The modular, scalable GMS software features an intuitive user interface and interfaces to common control systems for:

  • Grid operators  
  • Operators of virtual power plants (VPPs) 
  • Direct marketers

Our system solution also includes a well-rounded full range of hardware, consisting of smart metering systems, a smart meter gateway (SGH-S) and a control box (GCU-S).

The control solution has the following outstanding unique features:

  • Intuitive user interface  
  • 60870-5-104 adapter for connection to a grid control center 
  • Static and dynamic group formation  
  • Specific solution for the requirements of the German market, e.g.  
  • Transparent channel initiated by external market players (BSI communications scenario HKS4)  
  • Viewing the actual feed-in of a generation facility (BSI-TAF9) 
  • Communication with SMGW and CLS control box in accordance with TR-03109 
  • Feed-in management programs (0%, 30%, 60%, 100%) 
  • Administration of operating schedules for feed-in management 
  • Support for feed-in management reporting 
  • Administration of data channels for measurement data and state parameters 
  • Evaluation of turnaround time  

Our IP-based solutions have been proven in pilot projects, such as the Interflex project funded by the European Commission, in which Avacon used the EFR GMS and Smart Energy devices for CLS management. PV facilities, battery storage facilities, electrical heating systems, heat pumps and charging stations in 200 households can be controlled to make grid management more efficient. 

To learn more about the EFR solution as part of the Avacon Interflex project, navigate to the following link.

Functionality with the hybrid solution

For our longwave broadcast service customers, we have developed a hybrid solution that allows  IP-based control and control via the longwave signal to be operated in parallel. With this solution, GMS receives the commands for both systems and the available devices (wireless remote control receivers) are controlled via longwave for feed-in management as usual. This is complemented by a bidirectional solution for CLS management. 

Cascade control 

GMS cascade control allows upstream grid operators and service providers to integrate other grid operators and municipal utilities into Redispatch 2.0. GMS links the facilities (wireless remote control and CLS) of the downstream grid operator. This makes things easier for smaller distribution grid operators, and for larger operators it simplifies procedures and adds an additional service business. 

To learn more about cascade control in the grid area of our customer Bayerwerk Netz, follow this link.

Functionality with the longwave broadcast system

The EFR longwave system gives grid operators a flexible and full-coverage solution from a single source to control all renewable energy and CHP facilities in their grid area individually or in groups. This fulfills all conditions for connecting the system to grid control centers. 

The longwave broadcast system allows the technical requirements for reducing  renewable energy resource power levels, as set out in Section 9 of the Renewable Energy Resources Act (EEG), to be fulfilled grid-independently across Germany.  The following table describes the facilities for which EFR feed-in management can be deployed with a wireless remote control receiver. 

Existing facilities

Facility typeCapacity classTechnology
Renewable energy and CHP facilities > 100 KW Configuration with technical devices allowing the grid operator to at any time view the actual feed-in and fully or partially reduce feed-in power under remote control.  
> 25 KW < 100 KW Configuration with technical devices allowing the grid operator to at any time fully or partially reduce feed-in power under remote control.
Solar facilities < 25 KW Configuration with technical devices allowing the grid operator to at any time fully or partially reduce feed-in power under remote control, or limit the maximum active feed-in power at the grid node to 70% of the installed capacity.    

New facilities

Facility typeCapacity classTechnology
Renewable energy and CHP facilities 25 kW, operated behind a grid connectionConfiguration with technical devices so that actual feed-in can be viewed via an SMGW (in accordance with Section 2 (19) MSBG) and feed-in power can be adjusted continually or in stages under remote control
7 kW < 25 kW, not operated behind a grid connectionConfiguration with technical devices so that actual feed-in can be viewed at any time via an SMGW (§2 Nr. 19 MSBG)

Your contact

Bernhard Sbick

Head of Longwave System Technology

+49 (0)30 398 75 – 494


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